An open letter to Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook shareholders and senior managers
Dear Mr Zuckerberg, dear Facebook shareholders and senior managers, I am a Russian language Facebook user. My account was initially created for keeping me in touch with my British friends and colleagues. But since 2014, after the Russian troops invaded the Ukrainian Crimea and Eastern Ukraine, it became politicised, sharply critical to Putin, his regime and his aggressive policy. My posts on other websites underwent fierce attacks by pro-Putin trolls. Publishing on the largest American social network, actually at the territory of the leading country of the Free World, I was confident in my safety and protection from the Kremlin bots and their FSB supervisors. Alas! I was totally wrong. * * * On June 29 a Russian Facebook moderator removed my post allegedly as violating the Community Standards and blocked my account for a month. As my post fully complied to the rules, no reason for the ban was specified. A screenshot is attached and translated in description, ...